Homeless Ministry

Some Details about the twice weekly homeless outreach:

On Mondays & Thursdays we take bagged lunches, toiletries, some clothing and other supplies to the homeless.

  • In addition to food or supplies sometimes we are also able to refer people to other sources of help or guidance, sometimes listening to their stories brightens their days and gives them a sense that someone cares about them or gives them hope.

Donated Clothing is inspected, sorted and sized and labeled by size and type to offer to those in need.

It is sorted and sized by volunteers which is done usually on Wednesdays. We have limited space in the two cars that are utilized in the route that day so a limited supply of clothing believed to be of the type in current need in some common  sizes is loaded into bins and made available to those in need on the twice weekly feed the hungry route.

The excess clothing for later use is stored as compactly as possible in bins by type of clothing (men's shirts, women's tops, shorts, pants etc. stored in separate containers)

What size is this anyway?

A label is attached to each garment indicating the size and type of garment and it is rolled up to be as compact as possible for transportation or storage in bins.


Bagging Lunches for distribution

Receiving the purchased sandwiches (ordered in advance and picked up at the store)

to wrap and pack into individual lunches.

We usually purchase sandwiches and we do not have access to a commercial kitchen to prepare foods. 

Assemble the individual lunches

on Monday's and Thursdays. Lunches typically include

  1. A sandwich 
  2. A bottle of water
  3. A piece of fruit
  4. Some chips, snacks or dessert

Today's Lunch Contains:

  1. A sandwich (usually purchased since access to a commercial kitchen is not available) (with a packet of mustard and Mayonnaise)
  2. A bottle of water
  3. A bag of potato chips
  4. A granola bar
  5. a donut


Load prepared lunches for distribution

Taking lunches to load cars with the food, clothes, toiletries and other items to distribute to those in need.

Cars ready for departure

Usually four people in two separate vehicles head out on a pre-determined route that varies over time depending upon where those in need are to be found.

The route usually takes two and a half to three hours and is a mixture of some stops where people wait for us at specific locations and at some locations we watch for them and find them where the are located.

The route starts with a prayer that those in need will be found and that we will treat them as Jesus would treat them.

We need volunteers.

Come see what we do check out volunteer opportunities.

If you have questions contact Melissa McLeod, President, St Mel Conference SVDP (916) 546-4236

St. Mel Church 4745 Pennsylvania Ave Fair Oaks, CA 95628

We are running low on funds and donations would be greatly appreciated.

Donate online at the Parish Website (DONATE HERE) and in the note field specify "for Saint Vincent DePaul" or "for the Poor" or whatever is your intent that the donation is used for. 


Mail Checks made out to St. Mel Church with "for St. Vincent DePaul" written on the memo line to:

St. Mel Church, PO Box 1180. Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Ordinary Time vs. Extraordinary Time

  • In a Homily at mass the deacon once explained the difference between Ordinary Time and Extraordinary time
  • Helping others is one of the ways Deacon Dave described to transform ordinary time into extraordinary time. A goal of the society is that "we become more like Jesus every day in everything we think, do, and say." It may be unexpected but it is also very beautiful when you notice in yourself or in others a change even a little bit in that way.
  • May you each day create extraordinary time and spend it with Jesus in your midst. 

You can leave a message in the form below concerning the Homeless Ministry or suggestions or inquiries could be addressed Melissa McLeod, President, St Mel Conference SVDP (916) 546-4236

 (Parish website at the link of The Purple button above)

To volunteer or comment or inquire use the form below.