St. Vincent De Paul - St. Mel
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food distribution route as of 7/3/2023 (changes from time to time
Details of each stop are listed below.
This is the Saint Vincent de Paul food distribution route as of 6/08/23 Mondays and Thursdays aimed to find and help those in need where they are (Route with stops in Carmichael, Citrus Heights, and Fair Oaks subject to change and times approximate and may be delayed somewhat especially for the later stops) Also for those in need there may be a limited selection of clothing or toiletry items available.
- stop 1 Safeway store 5450 Dewey Drive at Madison parking lot and nearby areas (Monday & Thurs) about 11 am
- stop 2 (Carmichael) Eugene Ahner Park 5515 Manzanita parking lot About 11:15 am (Monday & Thurs)
- stop 3 Greenback & Auburn near Chevron Station and surrounding area about 11:30 am (Monday & Thurs)
- stop 4 Rusch Park West Parking Lot about 12:00 am (Monday & Thurs)
- stop 5 Taco Bell (shady area in front of ) and surrounding area Antelope and Sunrise about 12:15 (Monday & Thursday)
- stop 6 Copperwood Square Shopping Mall - Foodmax, Planet Fitness Parking Lot etc. about 12:30 (Monday & Thursday)
- stop 7 deleted 8/2023
- stop 8 deleted 8/2023
- stop 9 (Fair Oaks) Fair Oaks Park Fair Oaks Blvd and Madison Ave. / {Parking lot of Library} About 1:15 or slightly later and look through park

Stop 1 = Safeway store parking lot area at Madison and Dewey (5450 Dewey Drive) about 11:00 am (Monday & Thurs)

Stop 2 = in Carmichael Eugene Ahner Park 5517 Manzanita parking lot about 11:15 (Monday & Thurs) {Parking Lot Only}

Stop 3 = Greenback & Auburn near Chevron about 11:30 am (Monday & Thurs) {2 cars search area and often near front of McDonalds and behind stores is first look etc}

Stop 4 = Rusch Park West Parking Lot Area Only about 12:00 noon (Monday & Thurs) adjacent to Historic Rusch Home and Gardens)

Stop 5 Taco Bell and surrounding area Sunrise and Antelope about 12:15 pm (Monday & Thurs)
{Shady area in front of Taco Bell near Burger King and where others are found with quick drive by search (2 cars)}
.Stop 6 Food Maxx and surrounding area Sunrise & Woodmore Oaks about 12:30 pm (Monday & Thurs) {usually 2 cars through parking area red dots are where some have been distributed but may yet specify specific location(s) yet undetermined}

Stop 7 DELETED 8/2023

Stop 8 DELETED 8/2023

Stop 9 Fair Oaks Park = Library Parking Lot about 1:15 pm (Monday & Thursday)

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