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As people reach out to us for help we meet with them face to face, hear their stories and help find solutions for their difficulties.

Often, this means helping with rent, utilities or food. 

In the first 5 months of 2024 those represent 83% of financial assistance provided and 17% for other miscellaneous aid.

Sometimes it means helping them connect with other resources that can provide financial aid or other assistance, encouragement or suggestions on developing a plan or sometimes even reconnecting with family members.


Our food closet has no refrigeration but we sometimes refer clients to food banks or sources where they can get fresh or perishable foods.


Some of the other non financial aid provided includes:

  • referrals to other financial aid
  • directly helping them with a plan for them to better focus on a solution (or connecting them with someone who can help with that
  • Just listening to their stories and offering help sometimes gives them a sense of hope or gratitude that someone cares about them.
  • Someone else may have suggestions as to what information could be included here


There should be somewhere a comment something like:

One of the objectives of St Vincent DePaul Society is promoting holiness in the members (and results for the members) is a benefit to the volunteers that might outweigh even the help provided to those in need.

Also some information on the binders (perhaps a photo) of the types of resources that clients are referred to (organizations, websites like 211.com etc.)

Also opportunities for volunteers could be to help keep a list of resources used in the binder current and expand them where possible.


We need volunteers.

Come see what we do check out volunteer opportunities.

If you have questions contact Melissa McLeod, President, St Mel Conference SVDP (916) 546-4236


Donate online at the Parish Website (DONATE HERE) and in the note field specify "for Saint Vincent DePaul" or "for the Poor" or whatever is your intent that the donation is used for. 

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